Match your bags and shoes.
I think she meant wearing the same color family for your bags and shoes, and this was a rule even my mom followed. So if women were also quite fashion conscious, (and have the money to do so,) a lot of matching could be done. But I guess during Lola's time, it was not a problem since the purchasing power of the peso still had its strength. And if we were given the luxury, we could be doing this:
I think my grandma would say this one is for weddings
Purple is royalty's color
Black and gold never fails
A blue satin number for a date?
Red satin for the red carpet or is it too much?
Take a pick between the black...
Or blue studded match...
Or beige will do
Care for some florals?
But what of breaking the rules?
Honestly, I can't afford to follow the rules.
But if it's breaking the rules we are talking about, let's see how Helena Bohnam Carter breaks the rules.
Mismatched shoes for a floral satin and tulle dress on a formal event
If you're an athlete, you can break the rules too as long as they are Nike
Polkas join in the rule breaking
They belong together, not quite mismatched
Even little girls are allowed to mismatch
Pastel mismatched in wedges
Primary color mismatch
Can't make up whether to go with red or blue
Mishap or intentional mismatch? Try dancing in those
Do you follow or break the rules? Let me know! =p