I was supposed to share my thoughts about the shoes I wore in this outfit post but he talked me out of it. So maybe tomorrow then, eh? I really can't avoid wearing cardis to work because I have the sniffles this week and it is just giving me a bad case, plus headache if it is too hot outside. So my best friends as of the moment are Nasathera, Gatorade and lots of vitamin C.
In the meantime, I have been going home earlier than usual this week just to have enough rest. I have got a couple of major projects coming up which are due next week and I still have found the time to blog! Lol.
Accessories: Blogger's Own
Portia Top: Adah Belle
Cardigan: Regatta
Beige Leather Bag: Gifted
Stacey Beige: Pinkytoes
Photo Credits to Damon Steine