"We travel not to escape life, but for life not to escape us."
Showing posts with label cake. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cake. Show all posts

Saturday 27 October 2012

Halloween Cake Inspirations

My little cousins will be celebrating their birthdays next week, and their mom has sought some Halloween designs for their cake. Here are just some which I am reposting from Pinterest, if we are contacts in Facebook you might have seen these already.

The little kids are going crazy over the creative designs online, here are some of their favourites, and mine as well.

Sneaky little mouse on the cake 

Batman's birthday cake 

Bats and ghouls 

The jellyworms and pretzels sticks make this extra yummy!

Creepy, crawly spiders 

This is Jess's favourite and wanted his birthday cake to be like this. 

This one is pretty doable... 

Black, orange and brown, simple but delicious 


Personal Fave! 
Orange five-eyed monster! 


James likes this one too. 

Do you have any Halloween cake designs you would want to share? Which ones are your picks? 

Monday 14 May 2012

Clown Cake

This guy was wiped out shortly after dinner thanks to my cousins

Getting up on Sunday is supposed to be one of the pleasant feelings all week. However, yesterday was my birthday and I greeted my new age with contentment and pride knowing that I still have a home with a family and a bed to return to at the end of the day. 

It took that clown cake to be finished four hours after it was baked. Mommy really put in some effort just to celebrate my birthday with butter cake base and fluffy icing. And it made me feel like I was seven years old again. What a delight! 

Sometimes, I want to crawl back in bed and not just step outside. That's how pitiful life has turned out to be for me. But still, I manage to get up. 

I also discovered something really interesting in the Blogosphere. If you're tired of ads being placed irrelevantly in blogs, this awesome lady can help. I love the fact that she is not afraid to use teal in her color palette and she knows how to redesign using minimalist themes. Hmm, perhaps a commission to redo my current theme? Nothing beats a clean layout really.

To add, she has a very generous giveaway, and one of the prizes is a blog makeover. Isn't that just generous of her? I'm joining, just in case I get to snag that giveaway. 

Have a good Monday everybody! 

Wednesday 14 March 2012

Baking Tools Mini Haul and Treats for Doggies

Been busy but it's been fun.

I decided to surprise my Mom yesterday after we parted ways. Her hobby is baking and she enjoys baking cakes for the weekend and taking orders from her office mates for functions, birthdays and some special events. Her craze lately is the buco pie.

But she has been complaining about not having an oven thermometer to use at home. I think she has trouble with the dials and reading on the thermostat in the oven when it becomes too warm. She also says that most of the baking supply stores here in Zamboanga don't have good oven thermometers. Another problem, our big whisker seems not to cooperate with her whenever she whisks cream and the buco pie filling. I know it's too old and it needs to retire from the many years it has served the kitchen, so she expressed desires of having to replace it soon.

Luckily, I decided to go to do a pit stop at Mindpro grocery to pick up some yoghurt yesterday afternoon and I spotted an oven thermometer and a nine-inch whisker. Good thing I had enough money in my wallet and decided to surprise my Momsy, this month being Women's International Month and all.

And she was delighted to have these brand new tools for her baking.

 ( 9-inch wire whisker at Php80 from Mindpro grocery)

(Oven thermometer at Php258 also from Mindpro grocery)

And I got these chew toys for the puppies at home. Total cost (or damage) is about Php200 from the Pet Grocery in Campaner Street. 

It might be too early for Mother's Day but Mama just did some pagpaparinig that she wants a Lazy Susan for her cake decorating someday. This will require some participation from Papa. He eats all of the baked goods anyway. 

Happy Thursday to everyone! I will be blog hopping soon! =p