"We travel not to escape life, but for life not to escape us."

Monday 23 January 2012

How My Love for Books Started

This is a guest post from a friend of mine who also shares the same love as I do: books. Here she talks about books and how the love affair blossomed.

How my love for books started
By Agnetha de Castro

I still remember the day when I started to read books. It was the fault of one Sweet Valley Kids volume that I borrowed from a classmate. I don’t know what compelled me to read that. Maybe it has something to do with the colorful cover or the way my classmate’s face shone with happiness over the written words in those pages. But I am glad that my interest for reading was triggered that day and before I knew it, I consumed the book in almost one sitting and borrowed some more from her.

When I finished reading her books, I became an active member of our library and read all their Sweet Valley collections. When there was nothing more for me to read on Sweet Valley, I explored other books like the Nancy Drew, Hardy Boys and even Mills and Boon series.

That was one of the clearest memories I’ve had of reading. And from that day onwards, I started to read as many books as I could possibly get my hands on.

I never knew such joy and happiness as what I have found between the pages of the books I’ve borrowed and bought. It can never be replaced by momentary bursts of glee over a new gadget or some such thing. It is ever constant and irreplaceable. Such is my love for reading books. And it is a certainty that I would have books above any other material thing.

Even if I would grow old, wrinkled and with very bad eyesight, I would never break the habit of reading books.

Such is my love and passion for it.

About me:
Guest writer for Maimai’s blog. Anime addict. Movie junkie. Faithful follower and reader of many, many books. 

Got a memorable book to share? Leave a comment below!


  1. I discovered my love for books when I was in grade 4. My dad bought me a Nancy Drew book for my birthday. At first, I didn't want to read because for a kid, reading was such a chore. But my dad convinced me to give it a try and after that first book, I was irrevocably hooked. Like you (Agnes), I read Sweet Valley (Kids, Teens, Junior Hight, University, Unicorn Club, etc), Nancy Drew, Sweet Dreams, and yes, my favorite Mills and Boons classics. My aunts and grandma were also book lovers so they gave me all the romance novels they had, which were A LOT! Hahahah :D Now I'm just reading ebooks :D

    1. Mich I think we all started with those series books at one point in our childhood, hehehe. I even got hold of those Bobsey Twins. Lol. Take care of your eyes, the e-books can sometimes strain. =p

  2. Naww me not into books really. When i read i fall asleep easily lalo na kung hnd interesting and pag night time ko iread :)) haha
